Fall Assembly

Tisdale Civic Centre 901-100th Street, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada

IG Halloween Dance

Christ Church Anglican Church 515-28th Street W., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

$10.00 adult, $5.00 child Admission at the door Costume Contest Pumpkin Carving Canteen

Gratitude Night

St. Joseph Parish Hall 535 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Doors open @ 5:00 PM. Potluck Dinner @ 6:00 PM. $10.00 entry fee or 7th tradition. AA speakers, sobriety countdown, cash canteen, Late-night meeting

New Years Day Alcathon

Redeemer Lutheran Church 812 Preston Ave. South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

An open meeting to all! Pot-luck style food Coffee, water, pop provided Organized by Friday Night Men's Stag Meeting Group

58th Annual AA intergroup Roundup

Travelodge Hotel 103 Circle Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Al-Anon Participation, Roundup weekend room rate:  $129.00/night A block of rooms has been reserved.  These rooms will be released to the public after December 15th, 2024